The Full Release Launch

It’s finally here. Two years of development, a kickstarter, and an entire youth’s worth of heartbreaks, pains, joys, and hopes - all to bring you the FULL RELEASE of Capitalites, the urban asian roleplaying game.

Big thanks to our substantial team of artists, guest designers, and editors as well as friends and family who helped to bring this project to life!

I hope that you will enjoy this as much as I have enjoyed developing it (but not necessarily living through it).

The full release PDF has been fully laid out and hyperlinked for your viewing pleasure along with the rest of the playbooks, guides, and sheets.

I would love to know your thoughts on Capitalites as you play it so do feel free to drop a comment, DM me on Twitter (@babblegumsam), or email me at

I will be releasing more content and support for this project as time goes on (hint hint personality test and a digital narrative game) and I would love your feedback!


Capitalites Character Playbooks Full.pdf 6.7 MB
Feb 12, 2023
Capitalites Player's Guide.pdf 59 kB
Feb 12, 2023
Capitalites Series Bible Worksheet.pdf 65 kB
Feb 12, 2023
Capitalites (low res - small file size).pdf 168 MB
Feb 12, 2023
Capitalites.pdf 855 MB
Feb 12, 2023


Buy Now$20.00 USD or more

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